Type of work:
Contemporary Dance
Place of show: Indoor
Duration: 52 minutes
Release date: 2022
“Restraining desire is maintaining order, but also raising a wall against new experiences. Liberating desire, however, amplifies our senses, yet inevitably unleashes CHAOS.”
ABUNDANCE puts in check the romantic ideology to which we are still anchored, attempting to finish off the prince charming or soulmate. The work questions monogamy, that untouchable social and amorous blueprint in which we still take refuge. A lifestyle in which individual desires and pleasures continue to be oppressed but fantasies fly through minds. The five performers dance to the point of demolishing that love whose aim is possession, exclusivity, jealousy and, why not, fidelity. As well as demolishing toxic romanticism, the work attempts to put an end to the negative view which society has about old age and flee the antiaging discourse that is so installed among us. Thus, the audience is presented with a powerful older person, fully exercising their freedom, tearing down prejudices. She will be the one who, from her experience, will speak about this whole universe of desires to the new generation, which she will provide with the necessary tools to make decisions.
OSA+MUJIKA was founded in 2017 out of the artistic encounter between Jaiotz Osa and Xabier Mujika. It is the result of two creative worlds, dance and scenography/costumes. Jaiotz is a dancer and choreographer and Xabier Mujika is a costume designer and scenographer. Between the two of them, they create a team whose objective is to narrate visual stories; the aim is to create all those images going round in their heads, give them form and meaning, and carry them out at the level of both movement and in audio-visual form.
The OSA+MUJIKA union is the result of the need to satisfy their curiosity about dance and the visual arts.
Their first piece, Suddenly, a 13-minute solo created for non-conventional spaces, with the help of the Mikel Laboa Chair at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and Sortutakoak10 at Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea, was selected by the Red AcieloAbierto 2017 and danced at both national and international festivals. And it is the foundation on which they constructed Suddenly lll, a 50-minute piece selected in the Danza a Escena 2019 catalogue.
Jaiotz Osa
Jaiotz Osa + Xabier Mujika