Type of work:
Family Show
Contemporary Dance
Place of show: Indoor
Duration: 50 minutes
Release date: 2020
It narrates a story through dance, about the internal human body. We are made up of cells, the smallest living units in our body. Cells move, communicate and transform. They create complex systems such as musculature, bones, the brain and skin…systems which allow us to be independent individuals.
Postgraduate degree in the Performing Arts from the University of the Basque Country; degree in Biology from the UAB in Barcelona; she undertakes simultaneously studies of contemporary dance with Carles Salas, María Muñoz and David Zambrano. She has worked in different artistic collectives such as Plataforma Tirante and EPLC.
Her stage work centres on the communication between bodies. She investigates codes of understanding in human relations, society versus the individual.
Pieces like “Tú! Di qué quieres” (You! Say what you want) and “Elkarrizketa” (Dialogue) develop research based on the communication between bodies and different languages. Her pedagogical work has been key in her development as an artist. She combines techniques in body mechanics, the possibilities of movement which exist in our bodies, with the physique of each performer on the stage.
Nuria Perez
Kim Maiteny